Being Powerful and Feeling Confident begins with having strong emotional habits.
“Own Your Voice” will teach you that it is possible to follow your passion without worrying about perfection. Margo’s stories inspire courage in the face of self-doubt and fear. Every woman who is reaching for an opportunity and is willing to take positive risks should read this book.
– Laura B Rybka
Margo Tirado, a seasoned psychotherapist, explains how emotional habits and a strong voice work in tandem.
Filled with stories that will help you understand the impact of your own emotional habits, this book provides a detailed roadmap for learning how to cultivate stronger habits that allow you to make decisions from a place of authenticity and authority.
Included are dozens of coaching tools designed to empower you to:
- Speak up about the issues that are most important to you.
- Create boundaries that will tell others you are unwilling to tolerate any crap.
- Overcome self-doubt or fear of failure so you can take chances that earn recognition.
- Stop putting pressure on yourself to be perfect or never make mistakes and embrace the belief that you are good enough.
- Claim a position of authority and leadership.
- Embody the belief that your perspective matters.